El Salvador

El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America and the only one that does not have a coastline with the Caribbean Sea. Its 321 km long coastal strip faces completely south with an angular direction towards the south pole, which causes the swell it receives to come from directions 170° to 225°.

Its coastal geography is generated as a result of the belt of fire and the fault of the Cocos tectonic plate, below the Caribbean fault. This location generates a unique coastline with cliffs, rocks and protected coves, favorable for the swells approaching from the south to form waves of excellent height and shape considered of high level and quality for the sport of surfing.

Within its 311 km of coastline are the Cordillera del Balsamo and the Cordillera Jucuaran-Intipuca which form this geographical fault that end up being the cause of generating perfect waves or peaks, and its breakers are to the right side by the angle at which they receive the swells from the south.


Official name: República de El Salvador

Government: Democratic Republic.

Capital: San Salvador

Territorial extention: 20,724 km2

Official language: Spanish.

Other languages: English is spoken at hotels and other tourism related service centers.

World time: GMT -06:00

Geographic location: El Salvador is located on the southeast of Central America on the Pacific Ocean coast. It is limited to Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

Currency: The US dollar and bitcoin are the legal tenders. Credit cards or cryptocurrency applications are accepted in most commercial establishments. There are ATMs throughout the national territory, especially in shopping centers, gas stations, hotels, among others.

Weather: Generally speaking, El Salvador has a warm or tropical weather during most of the year. The annual average temperature is 28 ° C, ranging between 25 ° C and 28 ° C. For the weather forecast, it is recommended that visitors check the weather on the official site of the Ministry of the Environment: https://www.snet.gob.sv/ver/meteorologia/pronostico/24+horas

Private banks schedule: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. With some exceptions that still work until 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 pm.

Tip: It is appropriate to give the 10% in most of the restaurants and bars. Some of them include the tip in the total amount.

Power: 110 voltios AC, 60 Hz


The following is a description of some of the main traditions related to the social and culture of El Salvador, in the context of tourism:

  • It is customary to shake hands between men and women. However, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this cultural habit has ceased and now has its variants in the form of a forearm or clenched fist greeting.
  • In El Salvador, it is common for company executives and personnel related to tourism services to speak English.
  • Within the Salvadoran culture, cultivating interpersonal relationships is very important and in the field of tourism it makes it easier to keep a satisfactory bond.
  • The local national dish of El Salvador is the “Pupusa” which is a corn or rice patty stuffed with ground beans, pork and cheese. It is advisable for foreign tourists to consider its ingredients before eating it. In addition, it is advisable to go to a pupusería or restaurant that implements biosecurity measures.


To learn more about tourist destinations in El Salvador, visit the site: https://elsalvador.travel/