El Salvador
El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America and the only one that does not have a coastline with the Caribbean Sea. Its 321 km long coastal strip faces completely south with an angular direction towards the south pole, which causes the swell it receives to come from directions 170° to 225°.
Its coastal geography is generated as a result of the belt of fire and the fault of the Cocos tectonic plate, below the Caribbean fault. This location generates a unique coastline with cliffs, rocks and protected coves, favorable for the swells approaching from the south to form waves of excellent height and shape considered of high level and quality for the sport of surfing.
Within its 311 km of coastline are the Cordillera del Balsamo and the Cordillera Jucuaran-Intipuca which form this geographical fault that end up being the cause of generating perfect waves or peaks, and its breakers are to the right side by the angle at which they receive the swells from the south.